Portrait Servicetechniker Erkan Parlak

How do you become an external sales service and installation technician?

There is more than one way to be successful as an external sales service and installation technician. Erkan Parlak is proof of this, and began his professional journey at GEZE with a career change. What truly counts for him in this job is enjoying his work – from technical challenges to working on a team, and right up to dealing with customers. Erkan has now been part of the GEZE family for 23 years – and for good reason, as he often emphasises.

Career change: from service and installation technician to professional

Trained industrial plant electronics technician Erkan Parlak is passionate about and enjoys his work as a field service technician.

Trained industrial plant electronics technician Erkan Parlak is passionate about and enjoys his work as a field service technician. © GEZE GmbH

Erkan is a trained industrial plant electronics technician. Thanks to his technical expertise and practical onboarding at GEZE, it was easy for him to get his start as an external sales service and installation technician. “As someone changing careers, they took me by the hand and trained me very well. The training programmes were great, and my team mates supported me in every situation. Everything worked really well” Erkan says, remembering his first few months at GEZE. Today, he is a professional in his area, and encourages potential new colleagues to try out a career change to become service and installation technicians, and see what GEZE has to offer.

They should come to us and get to know the team and the office. If they do, they're sure to say they would like to come work for GEZE as well.

Erkan Parlak, External sales service and installation technician at GEZE Service GmbH

From industrial plant electronics technician to service and installation technician

When Erkan talks about his first few months at GEZE, one thing quickly becomes clear: this is a company that doesn’t just preach “learning by doing”, but leads by example. “You complete a variety of training programmes at GEZE, then you are assigned one or more team mates. Together, you visit customers, see how things work on site, and learn about the products”. The development process takes time, before the person is ready to work independently. The career changer and service and installation technician emphasises that at GEZE, no one is simply thrown into the deep end. Instead, personal motivation and enjoying your work are what count. “If you want to be a GEZE technician, you need to enjoy your work and enjoy being part of a team and working with customers”. As he has seen during his many years of experience at the company, Erkan says, GEZE handles everything else.

GEZE supports you and trains you. The GEZE team takes you by the hand and never tosses you in at the deep end.

Erkan Parlak, External sales service and installation technician at GEZE Service GmbH

Continuous development through GEZE Service

Further training is essential because technology is constantly evolving.

Further training is essential because technology is constantly evolving. © GEZE GmbH

Thanks to regular training sessions, Erkan still enjoys keeping up with the latest developments. “Technology never stops, as we all know – it keeps developing, so that’s why we at GEZE Service continue developing, too”. Many kinds of training and education are available – from the trades to commercial training, or for higher qualifications like a Master level certification or degree, the External sales service and installation technician continues. “If you have the ambition to continue your training, GEZE will support you. There is nothing GEZE won't make possible for you – there truly are no limits”.

Independence and team spirit wanted

Independence and team spirit are required when working as a service technician.

Independence and team spirit are required when working as a service technician. © GEZE GmbH

A career as an external sales service and installation technician takes both team spirit and independence. Erkan plans his work each day himself, and handles organisation from his home office. “Most of the time we travel alone. We actually work like freelancers”. Two team members may need to work together in some cases, depending on the job and the product. Meetings with colleagues are usually held at the branch office. “Our team includes the branch manager, our service manager, a service consultant, and of course us technicians. The atmosphere is relaxed and supportive”.

We complement one another, and our supervisors have a relaxed relationship with us. The work environment is motivating. I always leave home with a smile on my face.

Erkan Parlak, External sales service and installation technician at GEZE Service GmbH

Variety guaranteed!

Erkan Parlak loves his varied daily routine as a service technician at GEZE.

Erkan Parlak loves his varied daily routine as a service technician at GEZE. © GEZE GmbH

The career of external sales service and installation technician at GEZE is perfect for anyone who gets bored easily. Work days are as varied as the different needs of customers. “I've been at it for 23 years, and I’ve never considered my daily tasks monotonous. Every day is fun and exciting”. Ultimately, there is one thing in particular that counts for the career changer and service and installation technician: the satisfaction of his customers. “I deal with lots of different people, and it's always great when a product works to the satisfaction of the customer. That is my confirmation that the customer is satisfied, and that they chose the right product. That is what motivates me every day”.


“Everyone is welcome at GEZE. You feel like part of one big family here – the GEZE family”, says Erkan Parlak. The external sales service and installation technician values openness and environmental awareness, both in his private life and in his job – values that are also highly important to the company. Thanks to the good work-life balance at GEZE, he has plenty of time for his personal pursuits. “GEZE is very flexible, and gives me the freedom to take care of my private life as well – from my wife to a doctor’s visit. Family is important to GEZE”.

The company's flexibility makes it possible for the career changer and service and installation technician to not only deliver top performance at work, but to find time for his loved ones and personal interests as well. In addition to time with his family and his two British shorthair cats, fitness plays a key role in his life – not only to help him find a healthy balance, but also to improve his mental strength. As a member of a marksmanship club, he has fought his way to the top of his sport, and is a state champion in several disciplines. His talent and dedication have even led him to participate in the German championship. His passion for marksmanship is proof of his ambition and his endurance – characteristics he also relies on in his work for GEZE.